Popular questions about 🏅Nissan Sentra NEW🏅
🥇 How much does the rental cost. Nissan Sentra NEWin Kiev?
Rent Nissan Sentra NEWin Kiev is from25 $ per day, it all depends on the rental period.
🥈 What are the rental conditions?
The conditions are very simple. The client must be over 21 years of age and have more than 2 years of driving experience. Car rental terms 🏅 What is the deposit required for the lease. Nissan Sentra NEWin Kiev and is it possible to take without collateral?
Deposit for rental Nissan Sentra NEWin Kiev is 400
🏅 Is it possible to rent a car for a legal entity?
Yes, with a legal entity. we work as individuals. We accept payment in a non-cash form with VAT. Car rental for business What is included in the rental price?
The cost of car rental includes: fully insured, clean car with a full tank, a personal online manager for the entire rental period and round-the-clock support.
Оперативне дистанційне оформлення, ввічливі працівники, що завжди на звʼязку. Авто використовувала лише по місту, все ок. Зверніть увагу, що повний бак та автомийки обовʼязок, що прописаний в договорі. Раджу скористатися послугами TopRent